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Is this Glamping malarkey good for me?

Oh hell yeah!

A stay in nature has so, many many benefits for you. A brisk walk on a country track, swim in a fresh, cold river or lake, a heart pumping mountain hike or a cycle ride through scenic vistas.. all of these activities whether strenuous or relaxed have much to offer us.

It's well known that immersing ourselves outdoors helps to clear the mind, aid sleep and reduce anxiety in the vast majority of people. Walking is exercise, fact, so even if you’re not the “outdoorsy type” and an active lifestyle is not your norm, don’t underestimate how good, even limited activity can be for you.

The key factors are fresh air, combined with activity that raises your heart rate and makes you work that little bit more than normal. When those endorphins kick in you can guarantee a euphoric feeling, syncing with the natural environment around you, allowing your mind to take in what you see and enjoy every bit of it, sight sound and smell combined.

Many people are hounded by their work and daily lives so much so that winding down is almost impossible. Removing you from the familiar and reconnecting with nature in a camping / glamping environment is the perfect solution to breathe new life into your heart mind and soul. Outdoor cooking with friends and loved ones, breakfast to the sounds of birds, evening meals under the stars cooked over a fragrant barbecue combined with a glass of something lovely. Stay up late and wait for the shooting stars to dance across the sky, spot the space satellites as they zoom across a never ending night scene.

These are the choices that can elevate your mood to that special place….a place that busy hotels and noisy environments can never hope to replicate.

At casa Bella Teepees we pride ourselves on a giving you the tools to create your own piece of perfection, a natural, quiet, beautiful on site environment where you can be alone with your loved one, or share time with like-minded people who crave the same escape as you, to recharge and reconnect with nature, whilst staying in our beautiful hand crafted tipis. Yes we give you private bathrooms, comfy beds and relaxing private space….but the rest is all up to you xx

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